Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kettlebell Training Article on Dragon Door


When I have the time, I like to read through some of the great articles on the Dragon Door website. I came across an article that should be read by all Kettlebellers. Those who are just beginning and those who have been swinging bells for years.

Sara Cheatham, RKC Team Leader, wrote an article that is titled, "Detail Oriented Kettlebell Training." She explains common errors that gireviks make while training. Proper KB form and safety is above all else. I may use high reps in my classes, but remember I am more concerned about using the right technique and working at your own pace.

If anyone has any questions concerning the article and needs to be shown exactly what Sara is referring too, do not hesitate to ask. I also printed some copies for all my clients. If you did not receive one, let me know at class.

Phil Scarito, RKC