Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Kettlebell Snatch


Over the past couple weeks, I have been doing a shit load of snatches. It's not my favorite Kettlebell move, but I like doing them and I love to teach it. So, I wanted to make sure that I was doing them right according to the RKC standards. I went through my RKC manual the other day and picked up some good tips they we may have forgotten about.

David Whitley, RKC Team Leader came up with some short and simple verbal cues that helped me and I hope will help you as well. This comes straight from the RKC manual that I was given when I got certified.

It's called the 3 P's of the Kettlebell Snatch.

POP-This is the moment when you Snap your hips, which will pop the bell up. The hip snap is a common denominator throughout many Kettlebell moves. Without the snap or pop of the hips, you have no power.

PULL-The pull is what we refer to as the high pull. I tell my clients to drive their elbow up as if they are elbowing someone taller then themselves. During this stage you want to remember, "Taming the Arc" which means you want to close the gap between the bell and your body. This arc should be narrower than a regular swing.

PUNCH- This is when you finish the movement. The bell is traveling along the "'Arc" in a high pull motion and now, all you have to do is spear or punch your arm to the sky. Remember, there is a slight bend in the elbow during the pull phase of the movement, until you straighten or punch your arm to the sky. (if your arm remains straight throughout the whole movement, then there is know way for you to punch the bell, which will result in the bell banging your arm.

I hope this helps all of you perform your snatches in the correct manner. Remember, if your not using proper form, please ask me or any RKC Instructor.

See you in Class.

Phil Scarito, RKC

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

10 Swings- 1 Burpee, Sounds Easy Right???


I was perusing some workouts on the web the other day and came across this one. The best part about any workout is that it can always be modified if needed. Here is the workout that was listed:

10- 2arm KB swings, 1 Burpee(Chest must touch)
10- 2arm KB swings, 2 Burpee.

Follow this sequence all the way up to 10 Burpees for time. Today, I tried it with Muscle ups on the rings, Awesome!!!

Here is some of the times my clients put up today.

7min 10sec-Tricia S.(12kilo)
7min-Elizabeth P.(12kilo)
5min 45sec-Phil S.(24kilo)

Post your times.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday with Snatches


I've always enjoyed Sunday with Sinatra, Now I do Sunday with Snatches. Today, my wife and I attended my fellow RKC friend, Dr.Dan's class at the Upper Mainline YMCA. Today's agenda was 300 snatches. I don't know about you, but snatches are hard, whether you are using a 12 kilo bell or a 24 kilo bell.

The question is, are you doing them right. Are you getting full extension at the bottom of the Snatch? Are you making a fist with your other hand? Are you breathing properly? Are you snapping your hips during the upward phase of the movement? Are you spearing the bell with your fingers at the top of the Snatch? All these things need to happen in order for a Snatch to count.

Have you who ever seen the movie Rocky 6, where Rocky was doing a KB Snatch during his training, None of the above was happening, even though I loved the movie. Today, I used a 12 kilo bell and believe me, with perfect technique, it was hard enough.

In 2 weeks Dr. Dan is holding a 1000 Snatch challenge at his compound. For those who are interested please contact me.

I like to Snatch on Sundays. I can mentally prepare myself. Try it. Pick a number that you think you can obtain with GOOD form and go for it.

Phil Scarito, RKC

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I love Beach workouts

Wednesday morning Beach Workout. I brought my 2 16kilo's and did a 30 min workout. Focusing on breathing and form. Went through the 6 basic Kettlebell movements.

Have you ever did a Farmers Walk on the soft sand, WOW!! Thats a killer.

See you all soon.

Monday, July 7, 2008

W.O.D in Sea Isle City, NJ


Today, I got up and took a great run on the boardwalk. Looks like I may get a chance to Surf this week. There is a disturbance out in the Atlantic, that is stirring things up. After my run I hit the local gym in Sea Isle called Hardbodies Gym on 45th. Brought my 20kilo bell and started with some Halos to warm up the shoulders. Did 4 sets of 20 swings to get my body warmed up. Started with a simple rep count of 21-15-9 of Barbell Thrusters and hang cleans. I was in the gym no longer than 45min. It was just enough.

Training clients most of the day today and a KB class at night. Check out my blog for some good pics.

See everyone on Thursday night, 7pm @ Valley Creek Park.
