Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday with Snatches


I've always enjoyed Sunday with Sinatra, Now I do Sunday with Snatches. Today, my wife and I attended my fellow RKC friend, Dr.Dan's class at the Upper Mainline YMCA. Today's agenda was 300 snatches. I don't know about you, but snatches are hard, whether you are using a 12 kilo bell or a 24 kilo bell.

The question is, are you doing them right. Are you getting full extension at the bottom of the Snatch? Are you making a fist with your other hand? Are you breathing properly? Are you snapping your hips during the upward phase of the movement? Are you spearing the bell with your fingers at the top of the Snatch? All these things need to happen in order for a Snatch to count.

Have you who ever seen the movie Rocky 6, where Rocky was doing a KB Snatch during his training, None of the above was happening, even though I loved the movie. Today, I used a 12 kilo bell and believe me, with perfect technique, it was hard enough.

In 2 weeks Dr. Dan is holding a 1000 Snatch challenge at his compound. For those who are interested please contact me.

I like to Snatch on Sundays. I can mentally prepare myself. Try it. Pick a number that you think you can obtain with GOOD form and go for it.

Phil Scarito, RKC