The day started with a great class at Saly Glassman's farm in Blue Bell. Every Sunday I have a new victim and after each class I feel that I have accomplished something. Today I taught the swing and focused on the idea of compression.
I had a 10am trail run in VF with Mary, Marilyn and Debbie. Everyone of them did a great job, keep it up ladies. After our run we completed the Snatch test based on their weight, using a 12kilo bell.
Got in a good 5k and went home to eat real quick before taking Dr. Dan's Kettlebell class at the Upper MainLine YMCA. It's nice to take a class for a change. Since, I am heading to St. Paul on Thursday and have to retest for my Cert, I completed my Snatch test after Dan's class. This video will be up on Utube shortly.
Feel strong and ready for anything.