Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Class in VF Park


First I would like to take a moment and thank all our troops that are currently serving or have served in the military.

Thank you for Everything.

DV8Fitness had a great showing on this Memorial Day. We did some hills, and more hills and then ran some more. Everyone stayed strong and held in there. I will be posting the video and pics once I get them together.

Thanks for the support and awsome job to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. phil,
    Website looks awesome. Thank you again for handling the crew with professionalism and grace. Here is quote my my friend and comrade mark Reifkind.

    "I really dread swing day cause it's just plain hard work. nothing fancy, nothing distracting; nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Just a lot of very basic, very straightforward work. Oh well, it's the base and if you let the base get weak the building ain't gonna stand for long so it's time to get to work."

    Time to press for me!

    W2 OUT
